Unsung Hero Video

Inspirational Thai Ad Video Makes You Believe In The Power Of Doing Good

If you believe nice guys finish last, have a look at this brilliant ad from Thai Life Insurance that proves, on the contrary, that they win every time. Titled “Unsung Hero” this heartwarming clip has skyrocketed to the top of the viral video charts with over 6 million YouTube views, 800,000 Facebook shares and 22,000 tweets in just one week.

Here’s to the people who do what’s right!

Not for the recognition, and not because they believe it will enrich them financially, but because they know life is better when you pay it forward. 

In the three-minute segment, an unnamed protagonist takes a small amount of time each day to help those around him. A neglected plant gets a little extra water, a woman gets a helping hand, and a needy child gets some money.

“What does he get in return for doing this every day?” a narrator asks. He then answers, jarringly: “He gets nothing. He won’t be richer. Won’t appear on TV. Still anonymous. And not a bit more famous.”

“What he does receive are emotions,” the narrator continues. “He witnesses happiness. Reaches a deeper understanding. Feels the love. Receives what money can’t buy. A world made more beautiful.”

The spot then asks, “And in your life? What is it that you desire most?” It concludes with the tagline: “Believe in Good.”

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