Welcome to Shen Mantra Training.  We offer internationally accredited courses  in various therapies,  as well as private one-to-one teaching sessions, Spa Training Consultancy and International Retreats. We have been running courses internationally since 2007. 




“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.” – Greg Anderson



Movement As Medicine. Our bodies are designed to move, as our physical structure itself “faces forward” in the direction of our feet, our trunk, even our eyes and nose. Physical movement is an integral part of active daily living. However, movement itself is so much more than just the time given to an exercise. It is what our body is doing when we tell a story in excitement, moving our hands to emphasize highlights; it is when our body moves toward a friend to give a hug and share tears or laughter; it is when our body goes through the movements of getting dressed, eating a meal, going to the shops and the countless other miniscule activities that support a “normal day.”


The trap that society and social media set is the perception that the only movement that counts, and the only movement that ‘needs fuel,’ is one that involves a specific exercise, a certain amount of sweat, a physical challenge that pushes the body to a never-satisfied next level. And an eating disorder can focus all its energy on striving to meet this never-satisfied goal or doing everything it can to avoid it out of fear of failure or judgment.


Movement is meant to sustain life, not check off a performance list. Movement is possible through the support given by the physical body in the action itself nourished by the nutrition which fuels every muscle and cell involved. Nutrition also supports the movements not seen by the external eye, such as the mind-blowing circulatory system in which our blood travels a certain internal distance. Therefore, nutrition is not only our body and mind medicine but also the behind-the-scenes support of every external and internal movement our body makes. Move, breathe, eat a rainbow, busk in the sun, stretch, laugh, move again, and above all, inhale avocados and exhale negativity!



Gratitude to Tammy Beasley for her teachings and inspiring knowledge.